Tuesday, October 6, 2009


In my SVA Open Screening post I mentioned that I saw a film that I liked, that was a dark a good critique of the society we live in. The film, which was actually still a work in progress, was about people on vacation. I also told you all about my short-term memory and that I couldn't remember the author's name. Well, I am just really bad with names. But now I know his name was Louis Netter.

Louis, who signs his emails Lou, just uploaded another one of his films on my .TV site. This one is called Cakeaters.

In my commentary, on the .TV site, I said that the first words that come to mind are High Fructose Corn Syrup. You'll see why when you see the design of the characters.

It was the design of the characters in Cakeaters that immediately made me think that the author of this film could be the same guy whose film in progress I saw at the SVA Open Screening. I wanted to blog about it right away, but I thought it'd be prudent to make sure that it was in fact the work of the same guy, so I sent Lou an email first. After all, one of the two films could have been done by an imitator. But Lou replied right away and told me that he was in fact the guy.

Lou worked on Cakeaters for about three years. I am not surprised to hear that. In fact, when I saw the film my first question to Lou was, "how long did it take you to do that?" All of us that work in the animation industry know that 5 minutes and 53 seconds of animation doesn't happen spontaneously.

So, if you've got 5 minutes and 53 seconds to spare it will be well worth your time to see this film on my .TV site. The film is a dark critique of our society and it has a meaning beyond the first layer of designs and storytelling. That's what art films should be all about, anyway, right?

So, I wonder what Lou is going to do next, but what he has done so far definitely has the ingredient of personal style. If I can say that the work is either by the same artist, or by an imitator, then we can say that the artist in question (in this case Lou) has a strong artistic identity. His films (the two I've seen so far) definitely stick to mind.